When you are a member of several PTC sites it is good to get organized to minimize the time you spend clicking on those ads.
Here are some TIPS on optimizing your "clicking" experience:
Use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome to surf your PTC sites. To download just click on the links below. It's FREE!
Download Firefox
Download Google Chrome
Choose the best time to do the clicking. You only need about half an hour to click on 6 to 10 PTC sites. YES, you can surf these PTC sites simultaneously!
Be sure to bookmark all your PTC sites' login pages so you don't have to type them every time you do your "clicking".
Before opening your sites, CLEAR YOUR BROWSER'S COOKIES / CACHE.
Open each PTC site in it's own window. When you have logged in to each site, click an ad on the first PTC window and let the timer count down. Instead of waiting for it to finish, open an ad on the next PTC window, then the next, etc. By the time you get back to your first PTC window, the timer has finished and you can go to the next ad - and so on.
IMPORTANT: Only click on one ad per PTC site at a time!
When you have clicked all the ads, you can check your earnings for the day before logging out. You are done for the day!
You need to do this everyday and follow the same 24hr schedule. If you miss a day - YOU WILL NOT EARN FROM YOUR REFERRAL'S CLICKS.
All PTC sites stipulate that ONLY 1 account is allowed per home or IP. You cannot refer a member of the same household using the same computer and same internet connection. Your account will get suspended and all your earnings GONE!
If you share your computer with other people NEVER activate the "Remember Password" function of your browser. Other people can get access to your PTC account and/or Paypal and Alertpay accounts.
Always clear your cookies/cache when you are done using your pc/laptop. You will know if your browser is saving your usernames and passwords when you the log in page is already filled up when you open it.
Try to use a different username and password for each site that you join. Write down your passwords and usernames and store them in a secure place. Don't save them in the computer - hackers might be able to access them.
Change your passwords regularly. If a secondary password is offered (like in Neobux and Palmbux) - take advantage of it.
If you share your computer with other people NEVER activate the "Remember Password" function of your browser. Other people can get access to your PTC account and/or Paypal and Alertpay accounts.
Always clear your cookies/cache when you are done using your pc/laptop. You will know if your browser is saving your usernames and passwords when you the log in page is already filled up when you open it.
Try to use a different username and password for each site that you join. Write down your passwords and usernames and store them in a secure place. Don't save them in the computer - hackers might be able to access them.
Change your passwords regularly. If a secondary password is offered (like in Neobux and Palmbux) - take advantage of it.
Check your emails properly. A lot of emails will ask you for your account usernames and passwords. Don't give your info to anybody you don't know. And never click on any link coming from spam emails!