Brand New PTC Sites - Full Of Scam!

PTC sites are popping up like crazy mushrooms! It’s amazing!

Good for the Paid To Click (PTC) Industry!

Bad for the PTC clickers!


One word………………SCAM!

Well for a start… can buy a PTC script for about $25! Then you have it up and running in about a day given you have a decent webhosting.

So anybody can have their own PTC site. Even high school boys can have their own PTC site even without knowing how to sustain one! And before you know it, the site is gone with your hard-earned clicks and even worse – your precious upgrades and rented referrals. Boohoo!

Pity isn’t it? This gives PTC a bad name!

I’ve been a PTC clicker for almost 2 years now and I have seen sites come and go. I can afford to run my own PTC site, but I’d rather not.

Let’s leave it to the experts (not scammers) to run these sites.

But what I can do is share some tips on how not to get scammed by PTC sites.

These are only my opinions and based on my own experience.

So here’s how you can tell if a PTC Site is or will be a PTC Scam:
  • Look at the site. Is it neat and well-designed? Good! If you stumble upon a site that looks “generic” then the site owner didn’t bother to spend for the design because he’s not planning to stay for long. When you see this……run!…….PTC Scam! 
  • Study the click rates. If you are paid by the PTC site $10 for 1000 ad clicks (1000 x $0.01) but the PTC site only charges the advertisers around $5; then how would you suppose the site to be able to actually pay you? This is not sustainable and raises a red flag. So……….run!…….aPTC Scam in the making! 
  • So the PTC Site is giving high click rates and you are clicking like crazy! But wait! Minimum $20 before you can cashout? Before you reach your minimum cashout…..the site will be gone! Another PTC Scam indicator! 
  • What’s in a name? Read the name. OutBux……ScumBux……PoorBux. If you find a PTC site’s name suspicious or misplaced – combined with a “generic” design – then …………!………another future PTC Scam! 
  • Forums or Fora are important! A site’s forum is where the bean is spilled (so to speak). Watch out for members complaining of not getting paid, admin not posting and answering concerns or if a lot of members are crying………..”run! It’s another PTC Scam!” 
  • Do a WhoIs domain lookup. You will know if the PTC Site is owned by the same guy who ran/runs a Scam PTC Site. 
There are some more but I can’t remember ………… hehehe! But take it from a guy who has been scammed a lot!

Sometimes it only takes gut feel to know if a PTC Site will turn Scam.

If it smells fishy….there probably is a dead fish!

So run! It’s a PTC Scam!

But before you do…..there’s a site where you can make real money on PTC Sites. Plus, you get a lot of other online income opportunities.

Hmm..pardon for sounding like I’m selling something. I’m not.

So please visit my website!


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